
The American Legion Riders of Georgia


The 2024 In-State Legacy Run will take place on Friday, April 12th to Sunday, April 14th.  Each Area will design their own Rides that will culminate in Macon GA on Saturday, April 13th at the Harley Davidson dealership by 2 pm.  Overnight accommodations will be available at a number of local motels.  On Sunday morning we will have an escorted Ride to visit with veterans at the Georgia Veterans Nursing facility in Milledgeville before returning to our respective homes.  Registration for the Ride is $50 per bike.  To pay online with your bank or credit card, Click Here.  The Registration Form is now available (see the link below) and will be required at each Area/District muster point.

Proceeds will be split evenly between the Department Commanders Special Project , which provides non-appropriated needs to veterans at VA facilities and clinics around the State, and the Veterans and Childrens Fund (VCF), which provides emergency funds to support veterans with minor children and Service Officer training to assist veterans.  SAVE THE DATE and be watching for more information!

Registration form



Event shirts are avaialble to order in blue or grey

GA Legacy, Supporting American Legion



For those you would like to stay in Macon, we have blocked 25 rooms with the LaQuinta, 3944 River Pl Dr., Macon, GA 31210.

The rate is $86.25 which included tax, free breakfast and parking is included.

When you call and make the reservation please mention group number: 5136B434787129 

The group rate is valid for rooms with 2 double beds, rooms with king size beds are not included.