
The American Legion Riders of Georgia


Department of Georgia

American Legion Riders

Rider Down Fund


The following guidelines will be used to determine eligibility for a disbursement from the DOG ALR “Rider Down Fund”.


  1. Rider must be a member in good standing with the The American Legion, American Legion Auxiliary or Sons of The American Legion AND American Legion Rider Chapter.
  2. Rider must have sustained injuries in a motorcycle accident.
  3. Alcohol must NOT have been a contributing factor to the accident.
  4. Illegal drugs must NOT have been a contributing factor to the accident.
  5. Operator must have a motorcycle endorsement on their license (Class M).
  6. Motorcycle must have valid insurance coverage.


These guidelines pertain only to members of The American Legion Riders of Georgia.  Any monetary awards will be determined by the DOG ALR Executive Board and approved by the DOG ALR Executive Committee.  To make donations to the “Rider Down Fund”, contact the State Director at dogalrdirector@gmail.com